
Honey and cancer

Honey and cancer

It has been proved with the specialist scientists that cancer non-existent among beekeepers attending to work among the bees, but they Harwa to explain this phenomenon .. inclined some to believe that this immunity against cancer, the beekeepers due to bee venom, which enters the bloodstream consistently result to get it from the bee sting during their work, and money others to believe that HIV is the result of the intake beekeepers of honey containing a small amount of a royal food actual curiosities, another amount of pollen, and I have a lot of scientists tended to the second opinion, especially after what has been discovered that the honey bee secretes some chemical on pollen elements, and prevent a split cells in preparation for banked in the six eyes that these strange chemicals, which limit the division of pollen, which human addressed in very small quantities with honey may have a significant impact the reduction of the abnormal growth of the cells of the human body, and thus prevent cancer

Honey and urine disorders ask

Honey and urine disorders ask

Dr. Remy Chauvin believes that fructose, fructose containing honey on a high percentage of it facilitates the urinary excretion of more than glucose (dextrose), and the honey is the best of both, because it is organic acids and oils volatile and Dyes plant bearing properties of vitamin, and while much controversy about active agent found in honey, which leads to the expansion of blood kidney and increased renal secretion (lactation), but its effect remarkable not deny one of them, even if Dr Sak between that giving a hundred grams and fifty grams of honey a day led to a significant improvement, and the demise of both polyurethane and germs organic turbidity.

Honey and diseases of the nervous system

Honey and diseases of the nervous system

This special also stems from the analgesic effect of glucose in cases of headaches, insomnia, nervous frenzy, and I have doctors who use honey in the treatment of neurological diseases observed, high ability to give the desired effect.

Views have proven clinical pharmaceutical honey in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system has properties between Professor K. Bogolipov and P. Kisaleva honey to two patients treatment success disease dancing, which is a muscular contractions involuntary lead to spontaneous movements of the limbs, in a period of three weeks during which halted all other processors each received two patients on the impressive results, and has regained normal slept and still headaches and lack of irritability and general weakness .

Honey for liver disease

Honey for liver disease

All the incidents of independence lies in the liver almost which indicates the maximum for this effective Lists important, Experience has shown that the glucose which is the main constituent material of honey, the two two operations:

1. activates the metabolism in the liver.

2. Stimulates liver to form an antidote for the bacteria which leads to increase the body's resistance to infection.

It also shows that the honey of great importance in the treatment of pain and inflammation of the liver caused by biliary stones roads.

"David, of Antioch," as advised in the sixteenth century, using honey to treat bile patients and liver toxicity, and proven in a hospital in Bologna, Italy University found that honey nourishing and restorative effect for patients with liver disease, and the honey, lemon and olive oil mixture useful in cases of diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Honey and diseases of the stomach and intestines

Honey and diseases of the stomach and intestines

The basic logic of the use of honey as a remedy for all stomach and intestinal disease associated increase in acidity, is the fact that honey diet a alkaline reaction and seek to amend the excess acidity, in the treatment of ulcers of the stomach and intestines are advised to take honey before eating two hours or after three hours, it was shown that honey relieves pain severe ulcers, and the acidity of Jawf and vomiting, and increases the ratio (hemoglobin) blood in people with ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, and experience has proven acidity disappearance after drink honey treatment also showed detection rays Roentgen (radiography) the disappearance of the cavity ulcer in the stomach wall at ten injured ulcers of the fourteen patients, after treatment honey syrup for four weeks and is considered high percentage of healing.

When digestive ulcer injury advised to eat honey dissolved in warm water has been published d. Salem star in Islamic Medicine Conference in 1982. It reported that honey in the treatment of chronic diarrhea is not known why.