
Rosemary and medical uses and benefits

Rosemary and medical uses and benefits

Rosemary and medical uses and benefits

Rosemary has many other names, the most famous Hasa dairy and also Nada sea, rosemary and
Alihuran hashish and Arabs and the crown of bleeding following childbirth and herb compass and other names.
Scientific name: Rosmarinus oficinalis
Description Plant
Herbaceous plant species of Alhvujat, a perennial herb height of meters up to two meters, the smell of camphor-like odor.
Medical part of the plant: All parts aerobic.
The original home of the plant and Agriculture
The Mediterranean and in the west and southwest of the Arabian Peninsula, and it is growing in many countries of the world, and suitable planting rosemary in an open park place inside the house or in the balcony or when any balcony.
Active substances
- Volatile oil (Alcamvin, and camphor, and Alsceniol).
- Acids and tannins Alrosmarinek and tannin.
- Flavonyat.
What it was said in ancient times
Hunters in Andalusia they make the rosemary in the cavity fishing after the output is in his gut Fimnah that accelerates the rotting and worms, and the Arab and Muslim doctors mentioned in ancient times a lot of the benefits of rosemary and of these Muslim physician Ibn al-Bitar, where he said it: "generates urine and menstrual, analyzes the wind opens blasted liver, spleen, lung and purifies the benefit of palpitations, asthma and coughing. "
Medical uses and benefits
- Alzheimer's disease and to improve memory: rosemary contains anti-oxidant substances such as acid Alrosmarinek compounds inhibit break or crash brain chemical that causes breakage of Alzheimer's disease is the most important volatile oil acid and tannins, also has an impact alarm memory is a stimuli good blood circulation is and has as far as the European Medicine herbs it improves the ability to concentrate and memory.
- Hair problems: rosemary is used Lye of the hair where it leads to cohesion and prevent hair fall and the elimination of dandruff and help it to grow and reach and sufficient flow of blood to the head.
- Vaginal secretions: the use drenched Rosemary Lye vaginal warm twice a day, handling increased vaginal discharge.
- Neurological disorders in alcoholics: Drink drenched herb four cups during the day and for three weeks calm the unrest, has been accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, but this is normal.
- Fatigue and weak nerves: eat drenched Rosemary after meals and before bedtime tonic for those who suffer from the speed of fatigue, lethargy and weakness of the nerves.
- Rosemary as a preservative: Rosemary contains anti-oxidant material was used preservative for meat from rotting where it is added to prevent oxidation and spoilage.
- Herb wreath mountain useful in the treatment of cardiac disorders, a repellent winds and eliminate parasites and diuretic and menstruation and against cough and asthma, Assistant to the cases of mild depression and a treatment.
- Some recent studies have shown that rosemary plant prevents tumorigenesis and development

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